Nightscape Series

Nightscape Double Feature No. 2

The Story

A literary pulp extravaganza featuring mummified telepaths, ancient machine gods, world-destroying artifacts, undead pirates, vodou elementals and dream-powered treasure ships!

The Divine Drowned
by Josh Reynolds & David W. Edwards

In exploring the underwater remnants of a lost Egyptian city, supernatural adventurer Nolin “Lancer” Quigg and his crew are blasted into an alternate dimension wracked by psychic war. Broken and scattered, the members of Integrand General struggle to reunite and return home. Complicating their mission: a prophecy that not only exposes the terrible secret of Lancer’s superhuman strength but signals the end of reality itself.

Forever the Star Finder
by Fianna I. Quigg

The doomed South Pacific voyage that made Lancer half a daimon is chronicled at last! Compelled to help the vodou priestess Mama Paris access an interdimensional rift, Liam Quigg and family must contend with alien deathtraps, roving monsters and the return of a vengeful Captain Nemo. What legacy does Liam leave when he makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect his loved ones? Learn the startling truth in this intimate firsthand account.

Chapter Excerpt

Chapter 1
The Heavenly Axis

The Last Cycle of Unmaking
Outskirts of Duah-teh District, Herakleion

Accompanied by her personal guard of baboon-soldiers, Hema crested the spur of carved rock with a nimbleness born of experience. Fingers and toes found familiar cracks in the surface and she summited what had once been a glorious tribute to Ptah, the creator god of the ancient Egyptians. The robed statue was about 100 meters high and set against an uneven ridge. Its right arm bent to a large plinth-like staff. The head had been sheared away by the unstable landscape, leaving only a flattened ledge. Hema situated herself in the center of the bone-white slab and stretched to relieve the tension in her shoulders and upper arms. The bunch-backed simians took up defensive positions around the perimeter, scanning for signs of the enemy. They wore reed and bronze armor and bristled with daggers, sickle swords and handaxes.

Heart-shaped flowers the color of rotted meat sprouted from the statue’s cracks and vestigial joints. The captain of the guard, Gapti, offered Hema a short-stemmed blossom with lowered eyes. She breathed in its heady fragrance, tucked it behind an ear and stroked Gapti’s wide, scarred muzzle in thanks. He was taller by a half-meter, twice as broad and covered in a thick ruff of white fur. His dog-like face broke into a shy, dagger-toothed smile meant to be encouraging. Then, suddenly self-conscious, he barked a command for vigilance and assumed the post nearest his charge. He’d lived since infancy for Hema and would see no harm done to her, regardless of the blood-price.

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