Happy New Year! 2018 promises to see a record number of Nightscape releases...
The cover art for the upcoming Nightscape Double Feature No. 2 is a tribute to the psychedelic sci-fi paperbacks of the 1970s...
Now that I've largely wrapped the latest Nightscape novel, I'm working on the first play in the series...
I'm pleased to announce that the next novel in the Nightscape mythos, Early Darkness, will be published on or around August 15th...
An apology letter to the Great Cthulhu upon his resurrection...
Given the nature of the Nightscape series, I thought it might be of interest to offer the occasional review of other, similarly Lovecraftian works. I’ve elected to start this experiment in casual criticism with The Burrowers Beneath, the first entry in the six book Titus Crow series by Brian Lumley...
I'm honored to have been tapped for an interview on Art's Reviews re: the recently released Nightscape Double Feature No. 1...
The first couple of reviews for the Project Nightscape concept album are in--and they're a testament to the fantastic songwriting and musicianship behind the release...
The long-in-coming Nightscape Double Feature No. 1 is available today via Amazon, with other retailers like Barnes & Noble picking it up over the next few days...
The Nightscape novel formerly known as The Alchemist & Azriel will now be titled Early Darkness.
The first entry in the new Nightscape Double Feature series will now be available on December 9th--the same day the Nightscape concept album is released both digitally and on CD...
The long-in-coming Nightscape Double Feature No. 1 has a new release date of October 18, along with some revised covers (courtesy of designer Ryan Peinhardt)...
Project Nightscape's 13-track progressive hard rock concept album, To Sin Our Mercies, is now available for pre-order on Bandcamp...
I'm pleased to announce that the next Nightscape novel, The Alchemist & Azriel, will be published in winter 2017...
We're in the final stages of mixing the Nightscape concept album To Sin Against Our Mercies. Its 10 tracks of progressive hard rock and three dramatic interludes...
Oy! Between the Nightscape concept album and its companion Nightscape novel, I've struggled to finish the second novella for this double-novella project. But the wait is almost over!
The Nightscape concept album currently in the final recording stage will now bear the title To Sin Against Our Mercies. The record's cover art by famed Argentine surrealist Santiago Caruso will be revealed as part of next month's first official press release...
We're down to a handful of recording sessions at The Map Room, our official home-away-from-home on this project...
The recording of the Nightscape concept album with master engineer Josh Powell is proceeding apace. We're about half-finished with the recording process and have wrapped all but one the planned guest contributions...